Spooky Haunted Megaman Game 64

Act I: The Old Naked Manning

It was a normal day when this old man, butt naked, comes up to me and gives me this game, it says "Spooky Megaman Haunted Game 64.exe", it was a cd, which is fucking retarded since Megaman is an NES game. I went home and put the disk in, as curious as a man on the first date, and came up a 20 GB installation, which boggled my mind, not only cause it should be only 5 MB, but because that old man who gave me the game looked like he didn't even own a computer. So the normal Megaman came up as normal until a screen flashed with Megaman with menacing eyes, tearing blood, with fire in the backround, and a Nazi swatstika on his hand. It also caught my eye that the picture was obviously a megaman image taken from google and edited in MSPaint. The game loaded, with the normal cheery Megaman song played in reverse. It didn't sound cheery, in fact, it sounded demonic, like in that creepypasta Sonic.exe, I remember that pasta, it kinda sucked though. Then came up a screen of megaman with hyperrealistic eyes and blood and then I turned around and a megaman plush stood there on my bed. Oh wait, I got that at my birthday last year, nevermind. I heard a knock at the door. I opened it... slowly...

Act II: The Megamanning

My mom made cookies, I took a cookie and sat back down by my computer. Suddenly a skeleton popped out. I was as spooked as the first Ebola patient. I tried to fend off the skeleton, while eating the banana cookies my mom baked

Act LXIX: The Shrekenning

While fighting the skeleton, a piece of the banana cookie got stuck in my throat. Trying to push the zombie out of the way and trying to breathe, I fall backwards, straight onto the floor, grasping onto the last seconds of my life as the skeleton limps towards me. Everything turns black.

Act You Have To Use A Binary Translator: The Movie

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